Friday, January 14, 2011

zodiac changing bit.

apparently... if you have facebook atleast you will have already noticed the full upheaval which i orginally partook in myself until i decided there HAD to be more too this! 

anyway, theres a story on msnbc:

which is stating the zodiac has changed and when you look at it basically 80% of ppl appear to have been bumped to a different sign.

then you find story's like this on CNN:

a whole lotta something about nothing!!!

this kinda stuff drives me nuts!!  another way the media puts things in away that those who read only a small part of a story and start getting all wound up before really researching around to see that its not such a big deal.  besides, i dont care what an article says about my sign changing from a Taurus to and Aries... there is no way i fit the Aries profile.... carry on. 

1 comment:

  1. AHH! I went from a calm balancy Libra to a Virgo who according to today's horoscope has a problem with technology! What will I do?
