Sunday, October 10, 2010

puke. sleep. sleep. sleep. water. gag. dizziness. nausea. puke. sleep.. repeat.

i would say i get ill about 90% of the year.  i dont know anyone who's sick as much.  not even my bf's 70+ grandparents. 

i get sick to the point that its almost hard for me to write or talk about at times because it makes me feel worse just thinking about how awful it is. 

this is just how some ppl are i guess.  the majority of the world doesnt understand a person who calls into work all the time or feels awful pretty much every other hour.  its annoying.  for everyone. 

you know the person... they've always got something wrong with them, always complaining about somethin... a headache, a stomach ache, a cold, body aches, soar throat, coughing, allergies, acid reflux, tired, bloated. 

yup.  thats me.

one of these days im going to be diagnosed with something thats going to explain why i dont feel good ever and thats going to put it all to rest, there will finally be some kind of explanation that does justice to my pain... all those who've thought i was a complete head case all these years will no longer have a leg to stand on and i will finally get some rest, not the comatose sleep i get now.. some real peace. 

yes, my boyfriend is a saint.

so maybe  next time you are in the not so good company of one of my fellow sicky's ... it will be easier to find compassion and understanding this is no picnic for anyone.  you. me. my boss.  my 63 doctors.  my dad.  my dog.  the hospital receptionist that takes my 32 calls a day.  the pharmacist who fills and refills my prescriptions.  those close to me who cant help but have a love hate type relationship with me because how can you not feel some type of hate over a person who just never feels good??!

well im off,  matt's returned with my popcicles and a new thermometer.  he's suffereing from a head cold that ive given him and has to doctor me all night before starting a long week of work.  i told you, he's a saint.


  1. Here's hoping you feel better very soon.

  2. Yeah, as one of those people who very rarely gets sick enough to call in to work, I can agree with you on the fact that it is frustrating when one or two people are always the ones that do call in. Nothing you can do about how crappy you feel-just be glad that matt is so good to you! Take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon!

  3. thank you! good news is, ive kept down my food for a solid 24hrs now! i just need to kick this nausea and my world will become a better place. i cant wait to go and eat a big huge steak or some fried chicken, guess the ten pounds ive lost will find their way home very soon :)
