In the past couple of years ive decided to be a thrifty shopper...back in my snooty days (highschool and a few years there after... okay several years after which im too embarrassed to own an exact age) i would have proudly raised my bratty little nose in the air at the thought of second hand anything.. as if i would catch some disease.. pfft, used things!??! opting to spend my very little cash on ridiculously high priced name brand whatever just because thats what was "in".
I believe my maturity has shown as of late, ive realized the smarter person actually has more to show by snagging a great deal.. shockingly enough, i have lots of used things that would be quite useful to someone else, completely disease free! who would have thought?!
I drove home a few nights ago, annoyed, as Loud, Cold air was blasting the side of my head. My window had finally, fully and officially, busted. Not the glass but the motor part wouldnt move the glass and i could hear the glass just sitting inside the door rattling, crying to be lifted up to rescue my hair from rats nest road.
thats really not the point here anyway...
so i stopped at this thrift shop in the middle of a field surrounded by lots of other fields. Browsing around noticing some fairly good deals however more so my eyes are catching many items labeled with higher prices than you would find in a regular shop with brand new things! so, you get free things... from generous ppl wanting to help others, you put a ridiculous price on it as to make money to help ppl who are less fortunate totally ignoring that the average person shopping at a second hand store is clearly in need of items at a lower price.
cant really see the point of paying $2 bucks for a glass when you can go to target and get a whole set of 8 brand new glasses for $10.00. --- something's not making sense here. maybe the health insurance companies have taken over the thrift stores now too.. soon enough you'll find a copay on shopping carts and service fee to use the bathroom, maybe increasing profit by requiring customers supply their own toilet paper, now there's an a+ idea.
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